Empowering Growth...
Head Office: 01353 880253
Cambridge Office: 01223 628740
St Neots Office: 01480 573387

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Thursday, 02 February 2023 12:48

Falling out of love with your job?

Are you wondering whether the time has come to look for new opportunities this Valentines Day? Staying in a job that is making you unhappy can be detrimental to your health, even if it may seem like the easier option. Are you finding yourself feeling constantly stressed and unmotivated? This may be a clear indicator that it is time to move on in your career.

Monday, 16 January 2023 10:01

Let’s have a very GOLD Blue Monday

Blue Monday comes around every year and lands on the third Monday in January. The day gets its name by supposedly being the saddest most depressing day of the year. We find ourselves in cold weather, having post-Christmas bills and possibly breaking our new year’s resolutions already.

The question is how can we compact Blue Monday?...

Laura joins our Engineering, Manufacturing & Technical team as Senior Consultant with wide ranging recruitment experience spanning 4 years. Having worked across a variety of different sectors previously, Laura enjoys working on “hard to fill” vacancies and sees a challenge in every new vacant position.

Thursday, 05 January 2023 11:30

International Creativity Month 2023

In the month of January, we celebrate the skill of creativity. Like any skill you either have creativity or you don’t however it is a skill certain careers paths require and if you are creative choosing a career that celebrates creativity would be a job you will enjoy! Creative thinking includes analysis, open-mindedness, problem-solving, organization, and visual and verbal communication. Companies value creative thinkers and often look for creativity as a skill for their vacancies, so consider highlighting your creative thinking skills on your CV and mention in interviews.

Wednesday, 23 November 2022 09:32

Women in Engineering

Women make up just 12.3% of all Engineers in the UK! The engineering sector is dominated by men, but over the years women have slowly broken into the sector. Research from The Guardian states that 80% of female Engineers are happy with their choice of career and 98% find their job rewarding. By attracting more women to work in the the Engineering industry it has a huge benefit on the economic growth and financial stability in the UK and also creates more jobs.

Wednesday, 23 November 2022 08:39

Putting company culture back in the front seat

Company Culture is the way people feel about the work they do, the values they believe in, where they see the company going and what they’re doing to get it there. Collectively, these traits represent the personality and culture of a company which plays an important role of why employees choose to work there, attracting new talented professionals and keeping them there for the long-term.

There’s a surge in positive attitudes about well-being in the workplace and as a company, we take pride in offering workplace initiatives to increase employee morale and motivation. Also, it is important to repay your employees for their time and commitment to their job! Here is a couple of ways you can improve and maintain wellbeing within the team.

Undoubtedly 2020 was the year that came with a huge amount of change to businesses and personal lives. There was an obvious switch in working habits, staff were furloughed or made redundant therefore there has now been a greater requirement for wellbeing and balancing ever-evolving employee needs. 

Empowering growth is what we stand for here at Busy Bee Recruitment and the growth of our candidates and clients is the ultimate result of our own internal growth and the growth of each team member. With that in mind we wanted to share with you a few of our own quotes that help motivate us daily…

Tuesday, 01 November 2022 14:29

How a tidy office raises office moral

There are so many benefits to having a tidy working environment. Studies show how keeping your office space clean and tidy will benefit staff productivity and maintain a better office moral. Who really feels calm looking for a box of staples in a stationary cupboard overflowing with crumpled folders and empty boxes!


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Head Office: 01353 880253
Cambridge Office: 01223 628740
St Neots Office: 01480 573387

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7B Regal Lane
Soham, Ely

Cambridge Office

I8 Stirling House
Cambridge Innovation Park
Denny End Road, Waterbeach
CB25 9PQ

St Neots Office

The Limes
24 New Street
St. Neots
PE19 1AJ
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Head Office: 
01353 880253
Cambridge Office: 
01223 628740
St Neots: 
01480 573387