Empowering Growth...
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Tuesday, 01 November 2022 16:11

The famous quotes that help our team grow and succeed daily...

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Empowering growth is what we stand for here at Busy Bee Recruitment and the growth of our candidates and clients is the ultimate result of our own internal growth and the growth of each team member. With that in mind we wanted to share with you a few of our own quotes that help motivate us daily…

“Skilled Sailors are not made in calm seas”  

Kayleigh lives by this quote daily as for her anything in life that is  worth having has always been a challenge, and the best things are the ones that often cause the most obstacles. If you think about sailors, the best sailors gain the most experience from riding the waves of the roughest seas.

“The man who asks a question is a fool for a minute, the man who does not ask is a fool for life”

Reece lives by this quote through life and has used this quote more recently after starting with us at the Hive and believes that you have to ask questions to learn and achieve in life and not to worry if it makes you sound silly for a moment.

“Work hard in silence, let your success be your noise.”

This is Maya’s favourite quote and she believes that working hard to achieve your goals doesn’t need to be loud and that hard work pays off.

“Tell me and I may forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn”

Zachary’s quote is relevant to growth, a big part of change is often delegation which its relevant to, delegating certain tasks over to enable yourself and a business to succeed and grow further you can only do this by having other reliable people around you to give tasks to.

“Treat others how you would want to be treated.”

This is something that Fausta stands by in her work and home life. She believes that it is important to be fair and to give everyone an opportunity. Simply being kind to everyone no matter the person or the situation is important to her. 

“The carousel keeps on turning”

No matter what happens good or bad throughout a working day or personal life, nothing else stops, this is what Sian stands by and allows her to live each day in the present.

“Things have a way of working themselves out if we just remain positive.”

Rachel believes in the power of positive thinking and that everything that happens in life has a purpose and a reason. No matter how dark or overgrown the path may seem there is always a reason why you are on that path.

Currently on the path of looking for a new career or work opportunity? Let our growth help empower your growth. admin@busybeerecruitment.co.uk / 01353 880253


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