Empowering Growth...
Head Office: 01353 880253
Cambridge Office: 01223 628740
St Neots Office: 01480 573387

Latest News

Tuesday, 21 March 2023 12:16

The Star Technique

Do you find interviews challenging? Do you need a technique to help you answer some of those difficult questions? The STAR technique allows you to share examples and experience of successfully handling both good and bad situations to show you have the skills required for the job you are interviewing for.

Tuesday, 21 March 2023 10:39

Tips to create a great CV...

Writing a good CV can be one of the toughest challenges you will face whilst job hunting. Most employers spend just a few seconds scanning each CV before deciding if they are going to proceed to the next steps and interview process! We have taken the time to compile our Top 10 hints on how to show the world 'this is me!' and get that all-important interview.

Tuesday, 21 March 2023 09:28

Interview tips

You’ve done well – you have secured an interview! Now you feel nervous! We have taken the time to create our top tips on how to have a successful interview!

Wednesday, 08 March 2023 10:56

Busy Bee Recruitment turns Six!

And just like that.... Busy Bee Recruitment turns 6! Highlights include expansion to a third office in St Neots, the release of our new Care and Education sector, our company re-brand, updated mission statement & values, new tech with upgraded phone systems with laptops that interconnect allowing us to provide a seamless service to our candidates and clients from anywhere, whilst enabling our team to enjoy the benefits of hybrid working that’s here to stay!

How the team championed our #Empoweringgrowth campaign this year...

As we approach the 6th Birthday of Busy Bee Recruitment we are thrilled to announce a big growth milestone for us with the opening of our third premises in the thriving market town of St Neots.

This growth will further enable us to connect with more businesses and professionals who share the same values and motivations as ourselves. This will enable us to continue championing organisations whilst engaging with top talent across Engineering, Manufacturing, Commercial sectors through permanent, temporary and interim placements. 

Thursday, 02 March 2023 10:07

Getting to know me....

Laura is our Senior Recruitment Consultant here at the Hive. We asked Laura 8 personal questions to find out what is important to her and what she would do if she won the lottery....

Since September 2020, the number of vacancies in health and social care have increased across the UK, this means that there are more vacant jobs and less carers to fill these vacancies.

In this blog we want to explain who Ofsted are and their values, responsibilities and priorities.

Are you currently studying or considering going back into a career in Health and Social care? Here is a list of benefits of choosing a career in care…

Wednesday, 01 March 2023 16:48

Dementia: The definition of home

Whilst caring for someone with Dementia it is common to hear the phrase “I want to go home”. This can be distressing for both carers and family members involved however there are ways you can approach and understand this phrase. This may be caused by time-shifting, this is when a persons experience is that they are living at an earlier time in their life. Here are a few things to remember when someone with dementia is asking “to go home”:


Call us

Head Office: 01353 880253
Cambridge Office: 01223 628740
St Neots Office: 01480 573387

Head Office

7B Regal Lane
Soham, Ely

Cambridge Office

I8 Stirling House
Cambridge Innovation Park
Denny End Road, Waterbeach
CB25 9PQ

St Neots Office

The Limes
24 New Street
St. Neots
PE19 1AJ
Follow us
Head Office: 
01353 880253
Cambridge Office: 
01223 628740
St Neots: 
01480 573387