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Thursday, 12 December 2019 10:07

How to Increase Confidence

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Imagine being able to confidently overcome any obstacle that comes your way when it comes to the world of work. However, this can be particularly difficult when you are constantly being judged by a boss or fellow colleagues. Here's some great tips to help boost your confidence, that can be applied in work and beyond.

Believe in yourself

The first step is to identify your strengths, recognise your talents and abilities. Through having a positive perception of yourself and knowing your own worth will help you take ownership over beliefs. This will help you feel more confident about yourself.

Avoid perfectionism

Nobody is perfect and if you continually strive for perfection, you will cause more self-doubt. Recognise your mistakes and look for ways you can improve, not necessarily eliminating them in the first instance. Improving your abilities and areas of weakness will help boost your self belief and confidence. Avoid the idea that you are a failure due to making mistakes and be less self critical.

Set goals

Think of what your lack of confidence has stopped you from achieving. Whether it is the confidence to look for a new role, apply for a promotion or to share your opinion in group discussions, recognise and define which goals you would like to overcome. Writing a list varying from easy to more difficult goals can help you tick off one at a time which will gradually increase your confidence. This will also allow you to look back at how far you have come.

Take risks

Do something that scares you everyday. Do not be afraid to take risks however big or small, and try to apply this into your everyday life. Like most things that are unknown we build ourselves up with self-doubt and get anxious for example when starting a new job, but more times than not, once we take the first step we realise it is not all that bad. Look at the positives that can result from the risk you are taking and in turn you will begin to have a positive outlook on things that might of initially scared you.

Keep to your word

Commitment is key to build confidence. If you have made an agreement, especially with other people, ensure you follow through. Avoiding situations you have committed to due to nerves or anxiety will only set you up for disappointment and create a lack of trust with yourself.

Think confidently

Going into situations with a negative mindset and thinking of the worst outcome will cause anxiety and you will lose confidence. Think of the positive outcomes and even if it does not go as well as expected consider what you can take away from situation to make it positive. When you focus on the desired outcome, it is more likely to happen.

Feeling confident? Apply for a new job today!


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