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Monday, 06 January 2020 11:27

Why having a workplace dog is good for your health

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Stress in the workplace can cause negativity and can create an anxious environment. By bringing dogs into the workplace this can reduce stress levels and make the job more satisfying and can also create lots of benefits for employers and employees e.g. office morale, productivity and a healthy work-life balance. Read below to see how you could benefit from an office dog!

Reduced stress: Study after study tells us that dogs reduce stress levels. If you are stressed over a certain project or assignment you can always count on your furry office friend to help you through this. Research from Daily Mail states that dogs trigger the release of dopamine and oxytocin in the same way as loving a child. The ‘cuddle hormone’ oxytocin is traditionally the way a mum bonds with her child. It also disperses the ‘pleasure hormone’ dopamine, boosting both your mood and long-term memory.

Happiness: Having pets in the workplace promotes happiness. If you are a pet owner then you will understand the warm feeling that you get when you are greeted by your 4 legged furry friend at the door – no matter how your day is going, guarantee your pet will always cheer you up.

Better work-life balance: By allowing dogs in the office this instantly gives owners a better work/life balance as this makes it easier for them to spend more time with their pet and to feel less guilty about leaving them at home all day on their own.

Exercise and increased productivity: Exercise has many benefits to our bodies, it helps with mental health, gives us a different mentality, helps us to stay fit and healthy and increases our productivity. By having an office dog this encourages us to get active in the workplace and to take regular breaks away from our desks/computer screens. Dogs need lots of toilet breaks and walks – this will help you to get some fresh air, and become more focused and productive in the office.

At Busy Bee HQ we have an office dog called Peggy and she has fitted in very well. Since having an office dog we have noticed a massive difference in the teams stress and productivity levels. Peggy was introduced to us when she was just 8 weeks old and the whole team have been involved in her training. Not only has an office dog boosted our office morale but it has helped Peggy to become more confident and used to loud noises. If you are thinking about getting an office dog then we highly recommend! 


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