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Thursday, 12 December 2019 11:13

4 tips to impress your boss on your first day at work

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How to impress your boss on your first day...

First day nerves and pressure can be overwhelming! Do not let that take away from the skill and talent you have shown to get the job. Here's a couple of tips to make sure you impress your boss on your first day.

Whether you are a specialist in the trade or even a trainee, you are never expected to know everything on your first day – or even the first month. However, this shouldn’t mean you can’t impress your new employer and colleagues while you’re figuring things out.

What exactly to employers hope to see from their new recruits on day one?

Gain an early win!

Once you’ve had your introduction to the workplace and co-workers, consider having a conversation to build the momentum at the earliest opportunity. This way you can help your new employer see you in a new positive and fruitful light.

If you are able to identify immediate contributions that you are able to implement within the team; share them! Those who do this are commonly known as the long-term winner within the company.

Arrive early

Arriving particularly early or on time indicates a strong work ethic and eagerness to impress. Consistency is key, any employer is undoubtedly going to see the candidate in a positive light if they can consistently prioritise work over anything else.

Be positive

Be open and energetic to your co-workers give them a reason to truly want to engage in conversation with you. Show an interest in their roles and try your best to understand what they do on a day to day basis. Showing that you aren’t one to shy away from the team demonstrates that you are a team player.

Introduce yourself to those who work alongside you and make sure you meet someone new each day. Your long-term success does not only come from what you can produce but also depends on whether you are able to work well as part of the team, the sooner you are able to become part of that, the better!

Looking for more top tips when it comes to jobs and the workplace? Visit our latest news to read more.


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